When you come to worship, expect to be welcomed by our greeters and ushers, who will provide you with a bulletin and any special directions.

  • Please enter by the front doors.

  • Bulletins are available, either downloaded on your tablet/phone device, or printed.

  • Masks are currently optional, at your discretion.

  • We practice “open communion’ - if you sense in your heart and spirit that Christ is calling you, you are welcome to receive communion, regardless of whether you are a ‘member’ here or not.

  • You may receive pre-packaged communion supplies for yourself and/or your family group, or you may receive both elements by the altar from ministry leaders. You may choose wine (red) or juice (clear).

  • You may give at one of the Giving Stations as you enter or exit the service. You are welcome to continue to mail in your contribution or do so through your bank.

    • Or click on the DONATE button on our website.