Date Church Calendar Reader Prayers

26-May Holy Trinity Jen Brown Laura Vaughan

2-Jun Pentecost 2 Marvin Hamilton Michele Strand

9-Jun Pentecost 3 Jean Setzer Nathan Wentz

16-Jun Pentecost 4 Darrel Timan Glenn Teichner

23-Jun Pentecost 5 Joseph Rhome Linda Pipkin

30-Jun Pentecost 6 Kris Francis Dave Francis

7-Jul Pentecost 7 Laura Vaughan Jen Brown

14-Jul Pentecost 8 Skip Taylor Sherise Stark

21-Jul Pentecost 9 Katie Wentz Emma Wentz

28-Jul Pentecost 10 Michele Strand Marvin Hamilton

If you can’t make it on your day, or if you would like to be included in the next rotation of readers or prayer leaders, please send a note to Pastor Andreas in advance. Click OPEN FORM below to send an email.