From the Bishop
A Test of Our Character
I write this on the morning of November 6th following the results of our national election. I write it to the people of the Pacifica Synod and the wider Church of Jesus.
Grace and peace to you!
What the election results tell us is that we are a purple country. Furthermore, our denomination is a purple church. Our information silos and the algorithms that feed them made us believe that most people think like we do. Progressives think that the church or nation is progressive, and conservatives do the same. We have greatly underestimated the political diversity of our neighbors. Both conservative and liberal subgroups have been led to believe that the country overwhelmingly holds the same values dear. That is not the case.
The emotions that we are feeling are also diverse. Some of us are deeply saddened. Others are angry. Still others are excited and joyful. While many are confused and fearful.
I offer us two important things to do in these coming days.
First, feel your feelings.
Whatever you are feeling needs to be experienced and not dismissed. Before we rush off to decide what we are going to do next, please take time to feel what you are actually feeling. Where is it in your body? Can you locate it? Invite the Spirit to attend to it. If you are grieving this is especially true as grief has its own timeline and won’t be hurried.
Second: Go to church this coming Sunday
The second thing I invite us to do will reveal the character of our faith communities. Go to church this coming Sunday and share communion with your siblings in Christ. Know that we don’t all hold the same opinions or feel the same emotions, but we share in one bread, one cup, one God. Isolating, blaming, expelling or shaming are not part of the welcome to the table that Jesus offers us all. It may not yet be time for healing words between people who have opposing political views, but there is an opportunity to lean into the inclusive universal love of God when we come to the Lord’s table. Touch the baptismal water as you enter the sanctuary. Remember the promise of God’s steadfast love and know that it is for you.
“This is exactly the time when the church needs to show up as the church.”
We proclaim God’s unconditional love, and we take care of one another in spite of all that divides us. Know that I am praying for all of us. May God give us strength, love, and grace.
Peace, Bishop Dave