Exalting The Name of Jesus Christ
When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
John 12:32
1. Chrismons (Christ=Monogram) are tree ornaments that proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ through the use of symbols.
2. The Chrismon’s Tree originated at Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Danville, VA in 1957. Chrismons, however, have come down to us through history. Chrismons designs are simple copies of symbols of Christianity from its earliest days.
3. Today the sign of the FISH and the anchor cross are 2 of the Chrismons still visible, etched in stone of the catacombs in Rome.
4. The evergreen tree is a symbol of Gods constancy. On the Chrismon tree tiny white lights and candles symbolize Christ as the light of the world.
5. A monogram of Christ, Chrismons are all made in combinations of gold and white. White is the liturgical color for Christmas and stands for our Lords purity and perfection. Gold represents His majesty and glory.
6. The source of inspiration for Chrismons comes from the Scriptures which are full of “Names of Christ”. All are illustrations of His character and work and are easily demonstrated in objects. Like parables, they are earthly symbols with heavenly meanings.
7. Most of our Chrismon ornaments are between 40and 50 years old and handmade by ladies of our church.
Take time after the service and examine our tree up close!
THANKS TO CHARLOTTE ARTHURTON for sharing this article, and for preparing our Sanctuary for Christmas, along with Lyn Arthurton, Jenn Brown, Dave & Kris Francis, and Bryant Taylor.